Carolina Madeira PhD
Marine Biologist
Life Sciences Department
NOVA School of Science and Technology
Current projects
Project | 01
Project | 01 AQUATROPHYS (transnational)
Title: Marine molecular networks for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture: modeling tropical fish nutritional quality and physiology under global change
Role: PI
Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
Total funds: 14,000.00€
Time period: 2022-2023
Project | 02
Project | 02 ExtremeOceans (national)
Title: Unravelling evolutionary physiology landscapes of coastal marine fauna under extreme temperatures using a multi-layer systems biology approach
Role: PI
Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Total funds: 250,000.00€
Time period: 2021-2024
Project | 03
Project | 03 EASMO (internacional)
Title: Eastern Tropical Pacific reef fish on the move: biodiversity reorganization and societal consequences
Role: task leader
Funding: EU ERANET Co-Fund BiodivERsA
Total funds: 903,000.00€
Time period: 2021-2024
Project | 04
Project | 04 LifeLines (national)
Title: Vulnerability of fisheries and coastal ecosystems to droughts: today & tomorrow
Role: team member
Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Total funds: 230,000.00€
Time period: 2018-2022
Project | 05
Project | 05 PORTWIMS (international)
Title: Portugal twinning for innovation and excellence in marine science and Earth observation
Role: team member
Funding: EU H2020 Widespread-Twinning
Total funds: 1,000,000.00€
Time period: 2018-2022
Project | 06
Project | 06 WormALL (national)
Title: Marine invertebrates as source of novel biotoxins: Investigating function and application through Polychaeta venomics
Role: team member
Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Total funds: 240,000.00€
Time period: 2018-2022
Project | 07
Project | 07 SeaSenseX (international)
Title: Next-generation microsensors for marine mutagens and carcinogens
Role: team member
Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia & Fundo para o Desenvolvimento das Ciências e Tecnologia (Macau)
Total funds: 100,000.00€
Time period: 2021-2024