ExtremeOceans is a collaborative project between the proponent Nova School of Science and Technology (research centre UCIBIO, Caparica), and the participants University of Aveiro (research centre CESAM, Aveiro) and University of Algarve (research centre CCMAR, Faro) (Portugal). It is composed of a multidisciplinary team working at the interface of marine biology, biochemistry, multi-omics, blue biotechnology, experimental biology and ecology.
UCIBIO's team includes three labs: SeaTox Lab (https://twitter.com/seatoxlab); Biocomics Lab (https://twitter.com/BiocomicsLab) and BioTox Lab (https://sites.fct.unl.pt/biotoxgroup) and these labs will be responsible for the development of multi-omics approaches on the fish model Pomatoschistus minutus in response to marine heat waves.
CESAM's team includes the MBA Lab (http://www.cesam.ua.pt/index.php?menu=3249&tabela=post&language=eng) which will be responsible for the development of experimental approaches to test the effects of extreme climatic events in goby fish models.
CCMAR's team includes ECCOWEBS Lab (https://cmvinagre.wixsite.com/eccowebs) and MAREE Lab (http://maree.ccmar.ualg.pt/research.php) who will be leading all the fieldwork to collect Gobiidae fish in the Portuguese coastal area and will also develop phylogenetic models of goby fish evolution under extreme climatic events.
The project also counts with the collaboration of University of Québec at Rimouski (Canada, https://www.researchgate.net/lab/Piero-Calosi-Lab) and University of Gothenburg (Sweden, https://www.gu.se/en/cemeb-marine-evolutionary-biology/research-0/marine-genetic-models)