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ExtremeOceans just hired a new young researcher!

Welcome to the team Inês :)

"I am a molecular and cellular biologist with an enthusiasm for Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and R programming. Furthermore, Marine Biotechnology and Molecular Biology are the other areas that I am particularly interested in. Nowadays, I am a research fellow under the scope of the project "ExtremeOceans - Unravelling evolutionary physiology landscapes of coastal marine fauna under extreme temperatures using a multi-layer Systems Biology approach" ( At the same time, I am also undertaking a Post-Graduation in Biomolecular Sciences at NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT-NOVA). Along my academic career, I was also awarded with a research fellowship associated with the MARVEN project ( I recently completed a Master's degree in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine at NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT-NOVA, 2022). My Master's Thesis was developed at SeaTox Lab and Computational Multi-Omics group (UCIBIO), where I aimed to identify marine toxins that may interact with human receptors."

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